Clark Construction has been helping their clients build for over a century. Their 4,200 employees are spread across offices and job sites throughout the United States, and their values guide the way they do business. They proudly deliver projects that strengthen the fabric of our communities, including housing facilities for military families and hospitals for veterans. Giving back to the communities in which we live and work is also an integral part of Clark’s corporate culture. Their giving transcends simple checkbook philanthropy; they believe that the deed is just as important as the dollar, and through their volunteer work, fundraising, and pro bono efforts, they aim to make lasting positive impact that will benefit communities for years to come. Over the past decade, Clark’s Western Region has donated more than $5 million and thousands of hours in volunteer work. A partial list includes Taller San Jose Hope Builders, Habitat for Humanity LA/San Diego, ACE Mentor Program, CHOC, Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County, Irvine Animal Care Center, Illumination Foundation, and much more.

“Clark is passionate about making a difference. Beyond dollars, our people are tireless volunteers–always ready to roll up their sleeves and help their neighbors.” Carlos Gonzalez, Regional Executive Officer/Senior Vice President